Friday, May 29, 2015

Regarding steroids

A 32 year old male is admitted in hospital being managed as a case of exacerbation of asthma. Consultant ordered Inj  Hydrocortisone (solucortef) 100mg 6 hourly. Nurse comes to you saying that pharmacy is short of Hydrocortisone but instead  has Dexamethasone. What will be the approximate equivalent dose of dexamethasone for 100 mg hydrocortisone?

A) 100 mg
B) 2mg

ANSWER:) D--4mg

Regarding Hyperkalemia

A 42 year old male had an ankle strain 8 days back for which he was give Diclofenac sodium 50mg Bid. He presented to his GP with complaints of generalized weakness, his baseline workup was all normal except his serum potassium levels which was 5.9 .
What is the path-o-physiology of the drug most likely causing his Hyperkalemia ?
1) Diclofenac contains potassium
2) Diclofenac causes decreased cellular uptake of potassium
3) It induces a state of relative hyporenemic Hypoaldosteronism
4 ) Inhibits Na-Kt ATP ase pump
5) It does not cause hyperkalemia

3) It induces a state of relative hyporenemic Hypoaldosteronism